Course curriculum

    1. The Importance of Crate Training

    2. Crate/Kennel Types: Pro's & Con's

    3. Beds in the Crate

    4. Crate Alternatives

    5. Crate Training - 3 Skills

    6. When Can I Reduce/Stop using the Crate?

    1. 2 Types of Dogs

    2. Crate Location

    3. Chews & Food Puzzles- and Other Helpful Tricks & Tips

    4. Corrections

    1. Kennel Up!

    2. Crate Sends!

    3. Crate Send & Auto Down!

    1. Door Etiquette

    2. Equipment before/after Crate

    3. Teaching a Stay with the Crate

    1. Crate Game- Hide & Seek

    2. Crate Tricks- Open & Close Door

About this course

  • $50.00
  • 18 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content