Reactive Remedy
This class is for dogs who go from 0-100 at the sight of a dog or person and begin to bark, pull or lunge excessively.
What is Reactivity?
Is Reactivity Aggression?
When is reactivity developed?
Breeds Prone to Reactivity
Genetic Potential
The Importance of a Good Foundation!
FREE PREVIEWHow & When to Navigate through all the content in this course!
Building Food Drive
FREE PREVIEWBuilding a Work Ethic
FREE PREVIEWManaging Reactivity
Sit- Steps 1 & 2: Fading Lure & Duration
Name Game- Steps 1 & 2: Prompted Focus
Hand Touch- Steps 1-3: Targeting
Eye Contact- Steps 1 & 2: Offered Focus & Duration
Leave It- Steps 1 & 2: Shaping & Naming
Leave It- Steps 3 & 4: Leave Accessible Item and Eye Contact
Engagement Game- Steps 1-3: Sustained Focus & Movement
Schedule Next Lesson!
Tools- Management and Prevention of Over-Arousal
Heel Position- Luring & Mechanics
Heel Position- Adding Duration
Heel Position- Adding Movement
Two Common ways to Decrease Reactivity
Look and Dismiss Game- Teaching w/o Triggers
Emergency U-Turn Game
Dog Tags- Something to Think About
Look and Dismiss Game- With Triggers Present
Muzzle Training- Reasons to Consider
FREE PREVIEWMuzzle Training- How to Teach: Steps 1-5
Confidence Building Game- Get It!
FREE PREVIEWConfidence Building Game- Surface Socialization